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Chinese translation for "基督教右派"

christian right

Related Translations:
基督教教派:  nestorian
信奉基督教:  be a christian
基督教传教:  to do missionary work
基督教灯塔:  christian beacon
基督教法院:  christian religious court
基督教牧师:  the ministers of the christian religion the clergy or clerical profession
基督教通讯社:  christlicher nachrichtendienstcnd
基督教日报:  kristeligt dagblad
基督教科派:  christian science hymnalchurch of christ, scientist
欧洲基督教会议:  cecconference of european churches
Example Sentences:
1.The christian right is also solidly behind israel
2.New christian right movement
3.The religious visions of christian right and its effects on the diplomacy of bush administration
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