Chinese translation for "基督教右派"
- christian right
Related Translations:
基督教传教: to do missionary work 基督教法院: christian religious court 基督教牧师: the ministers of the christian religion the clergy or clerical profession 基督教通讯社: christlicher nachrichtendienstcnd 基督教日报: kristeligt dagblad 基督教科派: christian science hymnalchurch of christ, scientist 欧洲基督教会议: cecconference of european churches
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The christian right is also solidly behind israel 基督教右派也同样坚定的支持以色列。 | | 2. | New christian right movement 新基督教右派运动 | | 3. | The religious visions of christian right and its effects on the diplomacy of bush administration 基督教右派的宗教观及其对布什政府外交的影响 |
- Similar Words:
- "基督教义的熏陶" Chinese translation, "基督教异端教派" Chinese translation, "基督教音乐" Chinese translation, "基督教印刷和造纸工业工会国际联合会" Chinese translation, "基督教犹太复国主义" Chinese translation, "基督教与文化" Chinese translation, "基督教与心理学" Chinese translation, "基督教与伊斯兰教" Chinese translation, "基督教与犹太教" Chinese translation, "基督教原理" Chinese translation