Chinese translation for "复杂概念"
- complex concept
Related Translations:
复杂零件: complex partscomplex section
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Complex concepts possess characters of practice , diversity and integration , so students need experiences such as taking part in social activities , doing experiment , communicating for grasping them completely 复杂概念因具有实践性、差异性和整合性的特征,需要通过实践、体验、交流等方式来达到充分理解,而传统教学无法达到这个目的。 | | 2. | Th e whole learning process embodies the rules of the lpp theory on the one hand , on the other hand , it integrates learning contents , real activities and information technology by focus tasks of the complex concepts 这个过程不但充分体现了正规周边参与的机制,还通过包含复杂概念的焦点任务使学习内容、真实活动、信息技术这三者深入整合。 | | 3. | A focus on a factors such as the ability to quickly grasp a complex concept , verbal reasoning skills and creativity - some of the key ingredients of intelligence - revealed the male teenagers had iqs that were an average of 3 . 63 points higher 此项测试着重对学生快速理解复杂概念语言推理能力和创造力等几项智力指标进行了考察。结果发现,男学生的智商平均高出3 . 63分。 | | 4. | While traditional teaching ca n ' t reach the goal , learning community provides new possibilities to solve the problem , grasping the complex concept , which had not been solved in the traditional instructional practice 学习共同体作为一种新型学习理论,对上述的教学实践中没有根本解决的复杂概念理解问题提供了新的解决方案。这既是本研究的切入点,也是研究的重要结论之一。 | | 5. | Firstly , by solving simple problem in classroom , students get in touch with the thematic concept and know the basic meaning ; then , by thematic practical activities they explore in nature and social life and go through the method and process which expert usually use in special field ; at last , basing on the first two steps , students locating in different areas and possessing different background knowledge communicate with each other on internet where field experts are invited to participate the discuss to help students understanding the implication of complex concept completely 从课堂开始,学生通过与同伴进行简单的问题解决活动接触主题概念,了解书本上的显性知识;进而通过主题实践活动深入自然和社会进行主题探究,体验领域专家的研究方法和过程;最后在此基础上与其他地区拥有不同经验(背景知识)的同伴以及领域专家进行交流,逐渐理解关于复杂概念的真正含义。 | | 6. | Using the learning community technology , the author constructed a learning model of thematic learning community on internet among middle schools . then choosing several complex concepts - air temperature , light shadow , light pollution from middle school physics book as learning topic , the author carried out two turns of action research in several middle school class in different areas 本研究以初中物理为实践学科,选取了“气温” 、 “光影” 、 “光污染”等几个复杂概念作为学习主题,以行动研究的方式,在不同地区的几所8年级中学生中开展了为期8个月的两轮应用研究。 | | 7. | This study focus on exploring learning community technology basing on three theories - - learning community , legitimate peripheral participation ( ab . lpp ) and cognitive apprenticeship . the corresponding application using this technology has been carried out to solve the problem of " understanding complex concepts " 本研究根据学习共同体理论、正规周边参与理论以及认知学徒制的方法等进行了开发学习共同体技术的探索,并通过验证其对于复杂概念理解的影响作用,从而映射其作为一种新型学习策略的意义。 | | 8. | However , owing to restriction in time , conditions and author individual cognition , the further research and improvement is needed in semantic analysis of concept connotation adjective and verb , representation and understanding of complex concept connotation , the reduction of the knowledge redundancy , etc 但由于这一问题涉及面很广,涉及学科很多,以及时间、条件和作者个人认识的限制,还有许多需要进一步研究和改进的地方,比如:形容词、动词等的内涵的处理,复杂概念内涵的表示与理解,知识库中知识冗余的减少等等。 | | 9. | After the action research , by qualitative and quantitative analysis , the author testified the hypotheses : ( 1 ) the web - based interschool thematic learning community can promote students reach the goal to understand gradually the complex concept completely . ( 2 ) the model of thematic integrative study in subject can cultivate the integrative abili ties of learning attitude , problem - solving abilities , cooperative skills , information techniques , etc 应用研究结束后,著者通过质、量结合的综合分析,验证了研究假设: ( 1 )基于网络的校际主题学习共同体技术能够促使学生逐步达到对复杂概念的充分理解; ( 2 )基于网络的校际主题学习方式能够培养学生学习态度、信息技能、问题解决能力、小组共同学习等方面的综合学习能力。 |
- Similar Words:
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