Chinese translation for "宴会设施"
- banquet facilities
Related Translations:
宴会: banquet; feast; dinner party 短语和例子答谢宴会 reciprocal banquet; 欢迎宴会 welcoming banquet; 宴会服 dinner clothes; 宴会税 banquet tax; 宴会厅 banquet hall 宴会室: banquet roombanquetroom 街区宴会: dave chappelle's block part 宴会椅: banquet/banqueting chairy-tg01 告别宴会: bon voyage partyfarewell banquetfarewell party
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Banquet facilities , bar lounge , coffee shop , restaurants 宴会设施,酒吧及酒廊,咖啡座,餐厅 | | 2. | Banquet facilities , bar lounge , restaurants 宴会设施,酒吧及酒廊,餐厅 | | 3. | Conference meeting and banquet facilities 会议与宴会设施 | | 4. | Hotels have complete banquet facility apparatus , the luxurious and magnificent medium and small - scale meeting room , function room 酒店拥有完善的宴会设施设备,豪华气派的中小型会议室多功能厅。 | | 5. | Whether it is business or pleasure that brings you to dalian , the kempinski hotel dalian will exceed your expectations 饭店拥有可容纳500人的豪华会议宴会设施。大连凯宾斯基饭店是商务和休闲宾客的最佳选择。 | | 6. | Add to the convenience of hotel guests and meeting delegates , the hotel also provides superb banquet and conference facilities with a fully equipped business centre 酒店亦设有会议、宴会设施及商务中心,为贵客提供高质素及高效率之会议服务。 | | 7. | Following a complete renovation of 400 and 600 series meeting rooms in last year , the hkcec s convention hall and convention foyer have undergone a hk 45 million renovation and re - opened in early september 2002 作为亚洲区内最繁忙的展览、会议及大型宴会设施之一,会展中心刚完成一连串大型装修及设施改善工程,务求为顾客提供更完善的服务。 | | 8. | Following a complete renovation of 400 and 600 series meeting rooms in last year , the hkcec s convention hall and convention foyer have undergone a hk $ 45 million renovation and re - opened in early september 2002 作为亚洲区内最繁忙的展览、会议及大型宴会设施之一,会展中心刚完成一连串大型装修及设施改善工程,务求为顾客提供更完善的服务。 | | 9. | All of which are backed up by a full range of audio visual equipment , and supervised by a team of professional meeting service experts gift shop located on the 2 nd floor of culture plaza hotel , is major deal in imported food , craftworks and hangzhou specialty silk clothes and etc 所有会议与宴会设施都配备了最先进完善的视听器材,更有一支专业的会议服务队伍将为您的会务作最妥善的安排,给予您最殷勤周到的服务。 | | 10. | Nanshan garden hotel , the only five - star japanese - style garden hotel of northeast district . which is managed by the furama hotel group of dalian . hotel provide the reception and room in 24 hours , and the conference and banquet all available . there are pick - up service , business center , gymnasium , beauty parlor , and laundry etc . 酒店为您提供小时的接待和房间服务各种会议宴会设施一应俱全我们还为您提供:机场接机,商务中心,健身设施,美容美发,洗衣服务等等。 |
- Similar Words:
- "宴会批准了" Chinese translation, "宴会清理" Chinese translation, "宴会全套餐具" Chinese translation, "宴会裙" Chinese translation, "宴会上常用" Chinese translation, "宴会神" Chinese translation, "宴会盛馔" Chinese translation, "宴会始终充满亲切友好的气氛" Chinese translation, "宴会室" Chinese translation, "宴会税" Chinese translation