| 1. | The clerk inspected me in the compassionate way . 帐房以同情的态度把我打量了一番。 |
| 2. | There will be a packet to calais , to - morrow , drawer “明天有去加莱的邮船么,帐房? ” |
| 3. | With the latter before him he found no time for hesitation 面对着帐房,他没有时间再犹豫了。 |
| 4. | The king was in his counting house 国王在他的帐房里77 。 |
| 5. | Can you please tell me where the accounts department is ; i ' m a new boy here 请您告诉我帐房在哪里,我是这里的一名新雇员。 |
| 6. | " i think he is , " said the latter , consulting his private registry list “我想是的, ”帐房说,并查了一下他的旅客登记表。 |
| 7. | He asked of the clerk 他问帐房。 |
| 8. | At the clerk s office hurstwood swung the register about while the clerk came forward 在帐房间里,赫斯渥把登记簿转过来时,帐房走上前来。 |
| 9. | Its not for my own pleasure i am from morning to night looking after the men , or in the counting - house 我从早到晚在帐房里,忙于工作,难道是为了满足我个人的兴趣吗? |
| 10. | Art drooping under thy load , bemoiled with butcher s bills at home and ingots not thine ! in the countinghouse 在家里,你为肉铺的帐单在帐房里,则为金锭银块都不是你的! |