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Chinese translation for "应变梯度"

strain gradient

Related Translations:
低级应变:  low strain
机械应变:  mechanical strain
长程应变:  long-range strain
应变相位差:  strain phase error
应变过程:  contingency procedure
暂时应变:  temporary strain
应变试验:  strain teststraintest
应变分解:  resolution of strainstrain resolution
应变比:  strain ratio
断裂应变:  breaking strainfracture strain
Example Sentences:
1.Exploration of non - linear and non - local strain gradient model
2.Strain gradient effects on the strengthening behaviors of particle reinforced metal matrix composites
3.Standard test method for strain gradient measurements of thin , reflecting films using an optical interferometer
4.The influence of strain gradient is taken into account in the constitutive relation of coal or rock , the instability criterion of coal pillar is given , the influence factors of rock burst in coal pillar are analyzed
5.The theoretical and applied research results for mesomechanics , theories of strain gradient , polar continuum mechanics , nonlocal continuum mechanics and basic laws are discussed one by one in the present paper
6.An understanding of electrical emission of concrete may lead to hi practical application such as nondestructive testing of concrete . ( s ) according to nonequilibrium thermodynamics , a mathematical model on the relationship between strain gradient and electric potential gradient is presented
( 5 )依据非平衡态热力学建立了混凝土中应变梯度和电势梯度、应变梯此汉理卜人学附士学位论文度和电场强度等力电关系的数学模型。
7.However , the small - size particle - reinforced composite is more prone to deformation localization than the large - particle composite under impact loading . dislocation models considering the effects of reinforcing particles are used to determine c1 , c2 and c3 related to effective strain gradient in the present work . based on taylor relation and the kinetics of dislocation multiplication , glide and annihilation , a strain gradient - dependent constitutive equation of mmcp is developed
8.The effect of the strain gradient on the onset of adiabatic shear instability in gradient - dependent particle reinforced metal matrix composites is investigated by using of linear perturbation analysis in this paper . the analytical results demonstrate that high strain gradient produced by the reinforcing particle will provide a strong a deriving force for the onset of adiabatic shear instability in mmcp
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