Chinese translation for "情变"
- emotional betrayal
Related Translations:
情魔: bedevilledconspiratornekromantikqingmo 一段情: a fine romancethe go-between 唢呐情: feelings to suona 
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | When things are getting rough they turn it back around 当事情变糟的时候他们再把它弄会原样 | | 2. | When things are getting rough they turn it back around # 当事情变糟的时候他们再把它弄会原样# | | 3. | It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad 很容易地,当事情变坏的时候我们就会气馁。 | | 4. | But when things go wrong , 但是当事情变糟的时候, | | 5. | But when things go wrong , 但是当事情变糟的时候, | | 6. | However , she was no less respected in her homeland , where she was appointed president of the 50th cannes festival in 1997 这场情变曾经闹得沸沸扬扬,中间加杂了丹尼尔.戴 | | 7. | Ge you plays a photographer with a mental health problem that ' s haunted by his dead wife who killed by him for having an affair 葛优在片中扮演一名精神有障碍的摄影师。因为情变,他杀死了自己的妻子,却又在她的死灵困扰之下不得安宁。 | | 8. | They had purchased the residence in 2001 and spent three years on renovations that include a screening room and pub , and ended up living in it for less than two years 报道说,目前安吉丽娜-朱莉正在家中待产,皮特已正式收养了朱莉的养子和养女。还有传闻称,好不容易摆脱情变阴影的安妮斯顿现已开始与圈中人文斯-沃恩交往。 | | 9. | Method goes far to prevent trouble in business : for it makes the task easy , hinders confusion , saves abundance of time , and instructs those that have business depending , both what to do and what to hope 好的方法不仅仅能减少麻烦,它能将事情变的容易,它能扫清疑惑,它能节省时间,它能教导那些有想法的人,告诉他们如何去寄予希望,如何去实施。 | | 10. | Aniston , who has filmed a string of movies since the final friends episode , was the last to agree to the new deal . an nbc insider says , " she ' s the one who had been holding out . but she ' s now agreed to reprise rachel green 有传闻说,当时安妮斯顿正在为前夫布拉德皮特的情变而伤心也有人指出,自最后一季六人行谢幕以来,开始拍摄电影的安妮斯顿也想彻底摆脱‘瑞秋’的影子。 |
- Similar Words:
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