Chinese translation for "投入结构"
- input structure
Related Translations:
投入运转: bring into operationcommissioningstartup 资本投入: capital contributionscapital inputscapitul input 广告投入: ad spendingadvertising spending
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | 2 , biological supplemental energy is 2 . 3 times industry supplemental energy 2 、在人工辅助能投入结构中,生物辅助能是工业辅助能的2 . 3倍。 | | 2. | On the basis of analyzing the energy input structure , a series of energy indices of 1980 and 2000 are assessed and compared 在分析能值投入结构的基础上,分析并对比了1980年与2000年的一系列能值指标变化。 | | 3. | “ the distribution of public resources and the structure of educational investment ” , in caifang ed . green book of chinese population , social sciences academic press , 2005 “公共资源分配与教育投入结构” ,载蔡?主编, 2004年《人口绿皮书》 ,社会科学文献出版社2004年版。 | | 4. | The increased diversity of research sources since 1990 ' s have damaged the balance of research income structure , and put the stress on the sustainability of university research 上世纪90年代以来,大学科研投入的多样化改变了大学科研投入结构原有的平衡,威胁到大学科研的可持续发展。 | | 5. | In belief , change of consumptive structure pushes forward the changes of input and output structures which will bring about new demand and in turn influence the changes of input and output structures 简言之,消费结构变动推动投入结构、产出结构的变化,投入结构、产出结构的变化又创造出新的需求反过来再影响投入和产出结构变化,如此循环往复。 | | 6. | To research the impact of tourism quantitatively , the writer uses more than one index or method , such as studying the income impact by method of scl , studying the industry linkage impact from the angles of in - put structure , sales structure , intermediate - requirement rate and intermediate - input rate ; calculating the influence index and be influenced index to study the industry affect impact 采用回归分析法,考察重庆旅游业的收入效应;通过旅游外汇收入状况,研究重庆旅游业的创汇效应;计算综合就业系数,衡量重庆旅游业的就业效应;运用投入产出法,从投入结构、销路结构、中间投入率及中间需求率四个角度,分析重庆旅游业的产业关联效应;选取感应度系数和影响力系数,评价重庆旅游业的产业波及效应。 | | 7. | This paper reached the following feature and innovation : ( 1 ) constructing a integrity theory frame to study agriculture support ; ( 2 ) applying oecd ' index system and data of agriculture support to numeral study china and america " agriculture support ; ( 3 ) applying " a matrix approach to evaluating policy " of oecd to quantity depict different agriculture support policies " effect ; ( 4 ) marking agriculture support policies to fiscal and finance policy and applying amount of relevant data to analyse china and america " agriculture support ( 2 )采用oecd组织衡量农业支持的指标体系和数据对中美农业支持状况进行了实证研究,分析了中国在农业支持水平、投入结构和产品结构方面存在的问题。 ( 3 )运用oecd组织的政策矩阵模型定量刻化不同的农业支持政策的政策绩效。 ( 4 )将纷繁复杂的农业支持政策分为财政支农和金融支农政策,运用大量的实证资料和数据对中美两国的财政支农和金融支农状况进行分析,并给出相应的理论解释。 | | 8. | 3 . this paper analyzes the existing guide lines of the association of industries , indicates the deficiency of “ the quotiety of middle input ” . this paper founds the guideline of “ the changing quotiety of middle input ” , which could reflect distinctly the change of quantity and structure of the middle input 3 .分析了现有产业关联指标体系,指出“中间投入率”指标在反映内容上的不足,从结构变动的角度提出了“中间投入变动率”指标;该指标能够显著的反映投入产出表中间投入率的变动和中间投入结构的变动。 |
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