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Chinese translation for "掘路许可证"

excavation permit
road opening permit

Related Translations:
掘起:  dig up
掘地道:  mole
掘尸:  exhuming or being exhumedinstance of this
掘客:  digg
掘倒:  dig down
掘凿:  driving
狩猎许可证:  game license
掘根机掘齿:  rooter bit
掘泥机:  bagger
掘薯轮:  spinner wheel
Example Sentences:
1.Excavation permits information system epis information
2.Road opening permit
3.All along , xp applicants are required to fill in one single application form numbered hyd14
4.The applicants can then submit their xp applications to hyd once these activities are completed
5.Registered users can access the ums through the internet for xp applications . endswednesday , december 8 , 2004
6.It has been reported that since 1997 , the application procedure for road excavation permits ( eps ) has become increasingly complex and lengthy
7.To manage road opening activities properly , road works proponents are required to have an excavation permit ( xp ) before commencement of works since the 70s
8.Since 1999 , hyd has shortened its pledged time for processing xp applications from utility undertakers from 14 working days to 12 working days as at present
9.Under these circumstances , the road works proponents are also required to suitably plan and coordinate these works before applying for xps from the highways department ( hyd ) in order to minimise any inconvenience caused to the public
10.With the implementation of the amended land ( miscellaneous provisions ) ordinance , an xp applicant could elect to appoint his contractor as a nominated permittee taking up the liability of certain permit conditions specified by hyd
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