Chinese translation for "散场"
 (of a theatre, cinema, etc.) empty after the show 短语和例子 戏院散场以后, 街上顿时挤满了人。 after the theatre let out, the street was at once thronged with people
Related Translations:
杂散场: scattered fieldstray fieldstrayfieldwaste field 辐散场: divergence fieldfield of divergence 晚间散场通道: evening after-show corridor 杂散场效应: stray-field effect 戏院散场以后街上顿时挤满了人: after the theatre let out the street was at once thronged with people
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | When the play was over, he had another drink . 戏散场了他又去喝了一通。 | | 2. | The party broke up in silence and dismay . 这次的集会就在沉默和忧郁的气氛中散场。 | | 3. | After the theatre let out , the street was at once thronged with people . 戏院散场以后,街上顿时挤满了人。 | | 4. | Everybody was dressed for a fancy ball that was never to leave off . 人人都为了一个永不散场的奇装舞会而打扮着。 | | 5. | The chief of the party were now collected irregularly round the fire, and waiting the final break up . 大部分人围着火炉散乱地坐着,等待着最后散场。 | | 6. | At midnight we see the theatre break up and discharge its swarm of hilarious youth and beauty . 在半夜里,我们看到戏馆散场,涌出一大群欢天喜地的少年男女。 | | 7. | Midnight diners enjoying the meal after the theater 在剧院散场后半夜进餐的就餐者 | | 8. | This surely would end it , thought tess 苔丝心想,这场完了就该散场了。 | | 9. | You ' re not planning on attending any after - theater events , are you 你不是想去参加散场后的活动吧 | | 10. | The child get lose in the press of people leave the match 在看完比赛后散场的人群中把孩子挤丢了。 |
- Similar Words:
- "散仓" Chinese translation, "散册" Chinese translation, "散茶" Chinese translation, "散茶,碎茶,茶叶末。" Chinese translation, "散产品" Chinese translation, "散场通道" Chinese translation, "散出" Chinese translation, "散传单" Chinese translation, "散磁性" Chinese translation, "散刺" Chinese translation