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Chinese translation for "整体平衡"

whole machine balancing

Related Translations:
整体调:  total tune
整体连接:  integral connection
心理整体:  psychological group
整体立体感:  global stereopsis
整体输出:  global output gamma
整体房:  steam cabinet
整体效能:  overall effectiveness
整体铸件:  monoblock castingone piece castingone-piece castingsingle castingsolid casting
整体模:  die, solidintegral moldintegral mouldnon-detachable moldnon-detachable mouldone-piece dieone-piece patternsingle patternsolid moldsolid mouldsolid patternunit moldunit mould
整体法:  gestalt styleglobal approachwhole methodwholeness method
Example Sentences:
1.Global balanced law
2.Timidity , frailness , sullenness , viciousness , lack of animation , cumbersome appearance and lack of over - all balance impair the general character
3.Total health is not only a birthright ; it is mandatory byproduct of enlightenment , for without total balance , total illumination cannot exist
4.The total normal stresses arc then modified by satisfying the rigorous equilibrium conditions for the whole sliding body , resulting in an closed form expression for the required magnitude of anchoring force
5.The formal balance of revenue and expenditure showed a surplus of 147 . 5 billion yen , but the actual balance , taking into account resources carried forward to the next fiscal year , showed a deficit of 27 . 6 billion yen
收支整体平衡,有1470 . 5亿日元的盈余,但是如果将它作为下一年的财源考虑进去,则有270 . 6亿日元的财政赤字。
6.For example , unlike the growth theory of developmental economics , the institute emphasizes developmental balance , advocating a comprehensive balance and mutual reinforcement among the economy , society , and culture
7.After considering a variety of solutions , we have decided to implement a flat 10 % reduction to bear form ' s base damage ? which keeps the form in line with overall game balance , while resulting in greater damage potential
考虑到各种解决办法后,我们决定降低熊形态下10 %的基础攻击力-以便保持游戏的整体平衡,同时也会增加更大可能的伤害值。
8.Of , relating to , or characteristic of a style in art and architecture developed in europe from about 1550 to 1700 , emphasizing dramatic , often strained effect and typified by bold , curving forms , elaborate ornamentation , and overall balance of disparate parts
9.This optimizing method had been used successfully in full - scale aircraft testing . 6 ) in the global equilibrating , a modified lagrange multiplier method had bring forward . this method can solve inequality constrained optimizer problems
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