Chinese translation for "方木结构"
- saw-tooth joint failure
sawn timber structure
Related Translations:
木结构: [建筑] timber structure; wooden structure; timber connector; wood construction; carpentry 木结构防腐: decay prevention of timber structuredefect in timber 预应力木结构: prestressed timber structure 轻型木结构: light wood frame construction 木结构连接: connections of timber structureconsistency of mortar 重型木结构: heavy timber construction 空心木结构: hollow wood construction
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Therefore we must consider whether we should develop wood constructions or not , and if yes , how to develop it 通过中西方木结构建筑的对比,探讨要不要在中国发展木结构建筑以及如何发展木结构建筑的问题。 |
- Similar Words:
- "方木耙" Chinese translation, "方木材" Chinese translation, "方木隔断" Chinese translation, "方木和原木结构" Chinese translation, "方木脚手架" Chinese translation, "方木纵横叠架成的底座" Chinese translation, "方钠斑岩" Chinese translation, "方钠粗面岩" Chinese translation, "方钠二霞正长岩" Chinese translation, "方钠硷玄岩" Chinese translation