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Chinese translation for "普通语言学"

general linguistics

Related Translations:
弗斯语言学:  firthian linguistics
普通冻结:  bulk freezing
普通汇票:  clean draft
普通强度:  regular tenacity
普通问题:  common questionsgeneral questions
普通年成:  average crop
普通抽油机:  conventional pumping unit
普通继承人:  heres vulgarisheresvulgaris
普通原子弹:  nominal atomic bomb
普通单翼机:  ordinary monoplane
Example Sentences:
1.The publication of saussure ' s book a course of general linguistics symbolized the beginning of structuralism
2.Gardiner is not only comparable to de saris - sure in terms of general linguistic theory , but also a pioneer in the british tradition of taking language use and language function into serious and systematic consideration
3.Objectives : the course is designed to : lead the students to study the basic theories of semiotics generally on the basis of knowing general linguistics , and finally analyze literary works by employing semiotics
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