Chinese translation for "普通语言学"
- general linguistics
Related Translations:
弗斯语言学: firthian linguistics 普通问题: common questionsgeneral questions 普通抽油机: conventional pumping unit 普通继承人: heres vulgarisheresvulgaris 普通原子弹: nominal atomic bomb 普通单翼机: ordinary monoplane
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The publication of saussure ' s book a course of general linguistics symbolized the beginning of structuralism 摘要索绪尔的《普通语言学教程》的出版标志着结构主义的开始。 | | 2. | Gardiner is not only comparable to de saris - sure in terms of general linguistic theory , but also a pioneer in the british tradition of taking language use and language function into serious and systematic consideration 加德纳不仅在普通语言学理论上可与索绪尔媲美,而且还是伦敦学派重语言使用和功能传统的开山人物之一。 | | 3. | Objectives : the course is designed to : lead the students to study the basic theories of semiotics generally on the basis of knowing general linguistics , and finally analyze literary works by employing semiotics 教学目的:本课程旨在引导学生在了解普通语言学的基础上,逐步进入符号学基础理论的学习,最后运用符号学方法分析文学作品。 |
- Similar Words:
- "普通雨伞" Chinese translation, "普通与标准项目" Chinese translation, "普通与应用微生物学杂志" Chinese translation, "普通语法" Chinese translation, "普通语言" Chinese translation, "普通语言学教程" Chinese translation, "普通语音学" Chinese translation, "普通玉髓" Chinese translation, "普通预浇混凝土" Chinese translation, "普通预算" Chinese translation