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Chinese translation for "暖和天气"

open weather

Related Translations:
暖和:  1.(气候不冷) warm; nice and warm 短语和例子炉子一着, 屋里就暖和了。 the room became warm when the fire got going. 天气越来越暖和了。 it's getting warmer day by day.2.(使暖和) warm up 短语和例子喝杯咖啡暖和暖和吧! have a cup of coffee
今天暖和:  it’s sunny today
暖和皮肤:  warm skin
使暖和:  hothushthaw
暖和的:  warm
相当暖和:  pretty warm
变暖和:  get warmwarm up
杨大娘过来暖和暖和:  come and warm yourself aunt yang
暖和的冬天:  open winter
暖和的衣服:  warm clothes
Example Sentences:
1.This open weather can not hold much longer .
2.They usually walk abroad in warm days
3.The comprehensive effect of the weather - related disturbances and global warming may be the reasons for the occurrence of the warm extremes in chongqing and sichuan in the summer of 2006 , but the random weather - related disturbances contribute most to the local warm extremes in last summer
初步分析表明, 2006年盛夏川渝的异常高温事件可能是受全球变暖和天气扰动共同作用的结果,但以天气扰动的影响为主。
4.When the milking was finished for the evening they straggled indoors , where mrs crick , the dairyman s wife - who was too respectable to go out milking herself , and wore a hot stuff gown in warm weather because the dairymaids wore prints - was giving an eye to the leads and things
Similar Words:
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