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Chinese translation for "有机系统"

organic system

Related Translations:
有机矿物:  humatiteorganic minerals
有机药剂:  organic reagent
有机表面活性剂:  organic surface active agent
有机知识分子:  organic intellectual
有机氮:  ogranonitrogenorganic nitrogen pesticideorganic nitrogenousorganonitrogen
有机硝基化合物:  organic nitro-compound
有机酯:  organic ester
天然有机肥:  natural organic fertilizer
有机颗粒物:  organic particulate matter
有机流出物:  organic effluent
Example Sentences:
1.The concept of society as an organized system developing through definite laws and stages had been established .
2.Systematically , mo is not only a kind of behavior or culture , but also an organic system comprised of behavior and culture
3.Visual thinking pays attention to the integration of representation , symbols and man ' s spirit symbols are dead without man ' s understanding
4.If such a process is regarded as an organic system , in reality it has simultaneously three social supporting systems at different levels of macroscope , mediumscope and microscope
5.Remember , by expanding your aerobic capacity , you ' re also expanding your body ' s ability to deliver oxygen ( the source of energy and health ) to every organ and system of the body
6.As an opening organic system , the orderly degree of a regional economics will tends upwards also with economic growth , from the aspect of systematical order , according to the schrodinger ’ s “ negative entropy ” theory
7.Interpretation means ) applying to ourselves the doctrinal and moral instruction of the bible , read as an historically structured , self - authenticating and self - interpreting organism of revealed truth . ( j . i
解释就是)将< <圣经> >里的教义和道德教训应用在我们的身上?我们解读< <圣经> >为一个以历史为结构?自我合法化?自我解释的启示真理有机系统
8.The real estate agency serves the real estate enterprise as the media that connects every factor of the market from producing to consuming , with itself being an organic system that promotes transactions and accelerates market circulation
9.Dairy industry is an integrated system , which was consisted of three main chains including dairy food consumption , dairying and raw milk production . peasant household , enterprise , consumer , government and institute are the consisted factor
10.Aim at the network safety problem , put forward the methods of solution according as factory ' s condition . finally , the paper mill ' s control system adopted the kind of infranet structure merging industrial ethernet and fieldbus
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