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Chinese translation for "杂散损耗"

stray losses

Related Translations:
产品损耗:  product loss
杂树:  noxious woody plants
杂豌豆:  mixed pea
杂斋:  zassai
杂户:  zakkozoko
杂太:  sawata
杂齿:  anomaldont
杂毛:  sokezoge
杂合:  heterozygosis
杂多糖:  heteroglycanheteropolysaccharideheterosaccharidemixed polysaccharide
Example Sentences:
1.Abstract : a mathematical model of electrical data calculation of coreless induction furnace is proposed and a useful method of measuring stray loss and electrical resistivity at high temperature of crucible is given
2.Since the analysis of the inverter and its control system is very complex , the frequency analysis , time domain analysis and control system is made in capacitance operated conditions limited to pressure of time and paper length . the research content can be summed up as follows : ( 1 ) a new equivalent circuit of dbd circuit ( dielectric barrier discharge ) that consider the consume of transformer , the on - off switching loses and so on is presented based on the ozonier powered by sine current source . as compared with the former equivalent , the new equivalent circuit can be depicted the actual ozone circuit accurately
本文主要针对容性状态下的臭氧发生器电源进行相关研究,研究内容包括以下几部分: ( 1 )在正弦电流源供电的dbd型发生器的基波等效电路基础上,提出了一种考虑电路杂散损耗(变压器励磁损耗、开关管开关和导通损耗以及其他元件的热损耗)的改进型基波等效电路,并采用该等效电路得出了适用的臭氧发生器电源设计方法,实验验证了该基波等效电路具有工程设计精度高的优点。
3.The analysis and study on the dynamic efficiency of pmsm performing under the various loads . the influence of machine ' s parameters on dynamic efficiency and dynamic power factor is studied ; this has significant meaning for design of pmsm applied in the various load fields . the theoretical analysis and fem calculation fo air - gap magnetic field of pmsm is done
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