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Chinese translation for "构造方式"

mode of construction

Related Translations:
构造:  structure; construction; constructional detail; tectonic; structural; makeup; anatomy; constitution; build; formation 短语和例子句子构造 sentence construction; 这建筑构造奇异。 the building was of bizarre
Example Sentences:
1.Added discussion of how a log backup is constructed
2.A new peer - to - peer network constitution based on dht
3.The following illustration shows how a log backup is constructed
4.An event handler is constructed like a package , with a control flow and optional data flows
事件处理程序的构造方式与包类似,它具有控制流和数据流(可选) 。
5.Most results are presented in constructive methods and so they are easier and clearer in theory and application
6.No syntactic constraints are imposed on the ways in which expressions can be composed though the language does have some semantic constraints
7.The contents of a vdisk are volatile and will be lost if there is a cp or vse failure due to how the vdisk is constructed
Vdisk的内容不稳定,在出现cp或vse故障的情况下很容易丢失(这是由于它自身的构造方式所致) 。
8.Ask : through an unconventional disposition of conventional elements , your buildings are able to create new situations in the assemblage
9.Mercury wetted reed switches are constructed in the same way as dry reed switches with the addition of a small amount of mercury inside the glass tube
10.Because application development in php is not as structured as the j2ee standard or struts frameworks , the design has leeway for customization
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