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Chinese translation for "案情摘要"

case briefing

Related Translations:
案情:  case; details [facts] of a case 短语和例子了解案情 investigate the details of a case; 案情复杂。 the detail of a case is complicated.; 案情陈述 state of the case; 案情记录 statement of the case
案情大白:  the riddle of a puzzling case has been completely unraveled
案情陈述:  state of the case
案情描述:  accident description
案情摘要案情概要:  summaryofthecase
案情复杂:  the detail of a case is complicated
案情内容:  merit
案情记录:  charge sheet
临界案情:  border line case
案情不明:  nonliquet
Example Sentences:
1.Courts have rules governing the format and content of briefs .
2.A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case , filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court
3.Moreover , the lawyers of the law office often recommend local attorneys for the chinese clients participating in the law - suits or arbitration in the foreign countries and give assistance to the chinese parties in collecting , sorting and translating evidence and the preparing case abstracts in english as well as supporting , instructing the foreign lawyers in their work on behalf of the chinese parties
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