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Chinese translation for "死亡报导"


Related Translations:
国际商务报导:  international business reporting
死亡习作:  the blair witch project
死亡交叉:  death cross
死亡册:  deaths register
死亡沼泽:  the dead marshes
死亡表:  table of mortality
死亡数:  death countmortality n. the number of deaths from a certain cause
死亡统计表:  bill of mortalitymortality tablenecrology
核死亡:  nuclear death
超越死亡:  over the death
Example Sentences:
1.Last year , diethylene glycol was mistakenly mixed with cough syrup in panama . the mix - up killed at least 51 people . no deaths have been reported in connection with the toothpaste
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