| 1. | Stone problem : one dropperful three times daily 结石:每日三次,每次一抽。 |
| 2. | Take the tablets three times a day after food 请每日三次饭后服这种药片。 |
| 3. | Take two of the tablets three times daily before meals 每日三次,每次两片,饭前服用 |
| 4. | One tablets each time , three times a day after meals 每天饭后服用,每日三次,每次一片。 |
| 5. | Four capsules , three times daily ( 12 capsules per day ) [使用方法] :每日三次,每次四粒。 |
| 6. | Take it three times a day after meals 每日三次,饭后服用。 |
| 7. | Aq . dis . ter in die 兑上蒸馏水,每日三次。 |
| 8. | Many infections will respond to 750mgt d s by i . m . or by i v 许多感染可用肌肉注射或静脉注射750毫升,每日三次即可见效。 |
| 9. | First shake the bottle . take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day 这些药片每日三次,每次两片。记住在饭后服用。 |
| 10. | Tid . - three times daily 每日三次 |