Chinese translation for "氨基二苯乙烯"
- aminostilbene
Related Translations:
苯乙烯: [有机化学] styrene; phenylethene; phenethylene; cinnamol; synachrom bio-beads s; polypak; styrol; styrolene; styrene monomer; vinvlbenzene◇苯乙烯玻璃 polyglass; 苯乙烯绝缘材料 trolit; 苯乙烯树脂 styron; 苯乙烯 (类 溴苯乙烯: bromostyrenebromstyrol 苯乙烯丙烯: styrene-acrylic acid copolymerstyrene-acrylonitrile copolymers 苯乙烯树脂: acrylonitrile styrene resin (as)acrylonitrilebutadienestyrene resincopalstyrol reisnstyrol resinstyrone 苯乙烯丙烯酸: styrene-acrylic ester graft copolymers 苯乙烯介质: styrene dielectric 苯乙烯中毒: vinyl benzene poisoning
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The spectrum evolution of the femtosecond laser pulse in a three - level organic molecular medium ( 4 , 4 ' - bis ( dimethylamino ) stilbene ) is studied theoretically by solving the maxwell - bloch equations using an iterative predictor - corrector finite - difference time - domain method 摘要通过采用预估校正的时域有限差分法求解麦克斯韦布洛赫方程,我们研究了飞秒激光脉冲在三能级有机分子( 4 , 4 ' -二甲氨基二苯乙烯分子)介质中传播时脉冲的频谱演化情况。 | | 2. | The molecules we studied are a series of trans - stilbene derivatives . first , we applied dft method optimized the new synthesis molecule 4 , 4 ' - bis ( dimethylamino ) stilbene ' s structure , and used few states model calculated its tpa cross section . the results agree well with the experiment data 首先,我们在密度泛函理论( densityfunctiontheory )的水平上对最近合成的分子材料4 , 4 -二甲氨基二苯乙烯的结构进行了优化,然后采用少态模型方法计算了分子的双光子吸收截面,得到了与实验符合很好的结果。 | | 3. | At the same time , the solvent effect of 4 , 4 ' - bis ( dimethylamino ) stilbene is carried out by the polarized continuum model ( pcm ) , the pcm is selecting the solvent cavity ' s form to be the form of solute molecule ' s . and after that , we used self - consistent reaction field method calculate the molecule ' s tpa property 同时,本文还采用极化连续模型( polarizedcontinuummodel ) ,把包围在有机分子周围的溶剂空腔的形状取为溶质分子的形状,利用自洽响应场方法( self - consistentreactionfieldmodel )研究了溶剂对4 , 4 -二甲氨基二苯乙烯分子的双光子特性的影响。 |
- Similar Words:
- "氨基恶唑" Chinese translation, "氨基二苯胺" Chinese translation, "氨基二苯甲酮" Chinese translation, "氨基二苯甲烷" Chinese translation, "氨基二苯酮" Chinese translation, "氨基二环己基甲烷" Chinese translation, "氨基二甲苯" Chinese translation, "氨基二甲基苯" Chinese translation, "氨基二甲基苯,二甲基苯胺" Chinese translation, "氨基二甲基苯胺" Chinese translation