Chinese translation for "沉积物移动"
- sediment mobilization
Related Translations:
出汗沉积物: perspiration deposits 河谷沉积物: river valley depositsvalley sediment depositsvalley sediments 混杂沉积物: chaotic sedimentmixtonmixtum 沙漠沉积物: desert depositdesert sedimentdesertdeposit 生物沉积物: biogenic depositsbiogenic sedimentbiogenous sediment 碎屑沉积物: clastic depositsclastic sedimentsclasticdepositsdetrital sediment 活性沉积物: active depositactive sediment
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Generally the rainfall on steeplands may be no more erosive than that on nearby lowlands , the resulting runoff and eroded sediments will move much more quickly on steep slopes , and will provoke more severe rill and gully erosion ( source : fao soils bulletin 75 ) 通常坡地的降雨侵蚀比附近的低地更严重,这样坡地的流失物和侵蚀的沉积物移动更快,引起河流侵蚀。 |
- Similar Words:
- "沉积物形成" Chinese translation, "沉积物形成作用" Chinese translation, "沉积物悬浮" Chinese translation, "沉积物压实" Chinese translation, "沉积物岩脉" Chinese translation, "沉积物引燃" Chinese translation, "沉积物诱发变形" Chinese translation, "沉积物诱发变形作用" Chinese translation, "沉积物运输" Chinese translation, "沉积物运移" Chinese translation