Chinese translation for "波提切利"
- sandro botticelli
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | He talked easily of botticelli, and spoke of fra angelico with a faint condescension . 谈起波提切利,他毫不费劲,说到弗拉安基利科,他甚至带着点屈尊俯就的神气。 | | 2. | Christoan influence on european art - religious complex in botticelli ' s draws 波提切利绘画中的宗教情结 | | 3. | Italian painter botticelli painting , " the birth of venus " has vivid picture of the scene 意大利画家波提切利所画的《维纳斯的诞生》曾生动地描绘了这个场面。 | | 4. | Some of the most famous works in the collection include botticelli ' s primavera and birth of venus 收藏中一些著名的作品包括有波提切利的春和维也纳的诞生。 |
- Similar Words:
- "波提吉" Chinese translation, "波提坎尼" Chinese translation, "波提茂" Chinese translation, "波提纳利" Chinese translation, "波提普雷里" Chinese translation, "波提斯黑" Chinese translation, "波提斯黑德" Chinese translation, "波提斯黑德gkb电台" Chinese translation, "波提托特" Chinese translation, "波提万" Chinese translation