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Chinese translation for "淀积速率"

deposition rate

Related Translations:
淀帚:  policeman
木薯淀:  para arrowroot
淀川:  yodo riveryodokawa
淀泽:  yodosawa
淀酌:  o onificationo onizationopsonificationopsonization
淀君:  yodo-dono
大淀町:  ōyodo, nara
电泳淀积:  electrophoretic deposition
淀积作用:  illuviateilluviation
沈淀硬化:  precipitation hardening
Example Sentences:
1.Abstract : based on the concept of space migration length of photo - activation species , the analytical expression of the total number n of photo - activation species that can reach a segment on the substrate in the cubic deposition reaction space is derived . the simulation of the relationship of deposition rate and position of substrate is also completed . the simulation result agrees with the experiment data well
2.Various factors affecting the refractive index and the deposition rate of the deposited films are studied to optimize growth conditions of the films . the microstructures and optical properties of the films are characterized by a prism coupler , a fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( ftir ) and an atom force microscopy ( afm )
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