Chinese translation for "爆炸能"
- blast energy
explosive energy
Related Translations:
延时爆炸: delayed explosionhangfire 爆炸景象: explosion sceneexplsion scene 爆炸团: explosophore (= plosophor) 爆炸校正: explosive correction 爆炸锥: cone of burstcone of explosion 爆炸声: bangbombboomdetonationexp1osionexplosive sound 爆炸品: exploderexplosive substanceexplosives
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | It is not , however , the source of a modern bomb ' s main explosive power , for just as the chemical explosives trigger a fission explosion by compressing the plutonium , that fission explosion is used to ignite the third stage , a still - larger fusion explosion , by compressing and heating the main part of the bomb 然而,该连锁反应并不是核弹主要爆炸能的源头,因为它只是化学爆炸物通过压缩钚而引发分裂性爆炸,并将进一布引发核弹爆炸的第三个阶段,即通过压缩并加热核弹主体部位而引起的一种更大范围的分裂性爆炸。 |
- Similar Words:
- "爆炸灭火法" Chinese translation, "爆炸命令" Chinese translation, "爆炸模拟" Chinese translation, "爆炸膜" Chinese translation, "爆炸膜q开关" Chinese translation, "爆炸能力" Chinese translation, "爆炸能量" Chinese translation, "爆炸浓度" Chinese translation, "爆炸浓度计" Chinese translation, "爆炸排气装置" Chinese translation