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Chinese translation for "生产能量"

production capacity

Related Translations:
离解能量:  dissipation energy
能量更迭:  energy alternation
能量品质:  energy quality
空运能量:  lift capacity
百万能量:  megaton energy
载重能量:  dead weight capacityload-carrying capacity
能量食品:  energy
终点能量:  end point energy
实质能量:  practical capacity
能量图解:  energy diagram
Example Sentences:
1.For mammals like ourselves , this must cover the increased costs that mothers incur during pregnancy and lactation
2.Productive energy , on the other hand , is associated with producing and raising offspring for the next generation
3.Carnitine is essential to human for the transportation of lipid which is required for generation of energy in cells . carnitine deficiency impairs energy generation
4.This is because in autumn , plant respiration ? the process by which plants produce energy and release carbon dioxide ? occurs more than photosynthesis , the process by which plants absorb carbon for growth
这是因为在秋天,植物的呼吸作用? ?也就是植物生产能量释放二氧化碳的过程? ?强于光合作用,光合作用是指植物吸收碳进行生长的过程。
5.In this review , we briefly summarize the major recent progress in the biochemical and relevant studies of mitochondria and discuss comprehensively the working mechanisms and regulations of mitochondria , i . e . the chemiosmosis theory
由于线粒体是细胞生产能量的“工厂” ,线粒体的能量代谢理论研究带动了线粒体热力学研究的进展,也向化学热力学研究提出新的问题。
6.In the era of cutting - edge technology , we with the firm eternal management mission progressively enlarge production equipment and make unfailing production energy to create environment - energy products and offer the masses professional service opportunity
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