Chinese translation for "生产能量"
- production capacity
Related Translations:
载重能量: dead weight capacityload-carrying capacity
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | For mammals like ourselves , this must cover the increased costs that mothers incur during pregnancy and lactation 像我们这种哺乳类,生产能量还包括母亲在怀孕、哺乳期间增加的能量开支。 | | 2. | Productive energy , on the other hand , is associated with producing and raising offspring for the next generation 维持能量是动物为了生存,每天必须花费的能量,而生产能量则与制造、抚养下一代子嗣有关。 | | 3. | Carnitine is essential to human for the transportation of lipid which is required for generation of energy in cells . carnitine deficiency impairs energy generation 脂肪酸在细胞内进行分解而产生能量,当细胞缺乏卡尼丁时,便无法生产能量,影响正常运作。 | | 4. | This is because in autumn , plant respiration ? the process by which plants produce energy and release carbon dioxide ? occurs more than photosynthesis , the process by which plants absorb carbon for growth 这是因为在秋天,植物的呼吸作用? ?也就是植物生产能量释放二氧化碳的过程? ?强于光合作用,光合作用是指植物吸收碳进行生长的过程。 | | 5. | In this review , we briefly summarize the major recent progress in the biochemical and relevant studies of mitochondria and discuss comprehensively the working mechanisms and regulations of mitochondria , i . e . the chemiosmosis theory 由于线粒体是细胞生产能量的“工厂” ,线粒体的能量代谢理论研究带动了线粒体热力学研究的进展,也向化学热力学研究提出新的问题。 | | 6. | In the era of cutting - edge technology , we with the firm eternal management mission progressively enlarge production equipment and make unfailing production energy to create environment - energy products and offer the masses professional service opportunity 在此一科技不断创新的时代,我们更以坚定之永续经营使命,计划性的逐步投入、扩充生产设备,提升源源不绝的生产能量,创造出蕴含环保能源之新时代产品,并提供更广大消费者专业的服务机会! |
- Similar Words:
- "生产能力闲置" Chinese translation, "生产能力限制" Chinese translation, "生产能力严重过剩" Chinese translation, "生产能力因素定价法" Chinese translation, "生产能力指数" Chinese translation, "生产能量百分率" Chinese translation, "生产能量成本" Chinese translation, "生产能量的利用, 开工率" Chinese translation, "生产能量费用" Chinese translation, "生产能量利用率" Chinese translation