After this move white ( black ) has some ( has no ) difficulties 走完这着棋,白棋(黑棋)遇到点麻烦。
The good operation of finance means the rapid economic development . 金融搞好了,一着棋活,全盘皆活。 ”
An opening in chess in which a minor piece , or pieces , usually a pawn , is offered in exchange for a favorable position 第一着棋,起手着法国际象棋开局时自愿让出一个或几个小棋子(通常为兵)以交换较有利的形势
A good chess - player , who has lost a game , is genuinely convinced that his failure is due to his blunders , and he seeks the blunder at the commencement of the game , forgetting that at every move during the whole game there were similar errors , that not one piece has been played as perfectly as possible 一个好的棋手,在输棋之后由衷地相信,他的失败产生于他的一个错误,他便在开局之初去寻找错误,而忘记在他的每一步棋中,在整个对弈的过程中都有错误,以致没有一着棋是善着。