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Chinese translation for "磁盘子系统"

disc subsystem
disk subsystem

Related Translations:
存储子系统:  storage subsystem
磁盘瑕疵:  hard errormedia defect
磁盘驱动器:  dd disk drivedd diskette drivedisc drivedisk storage drivedisl drivemagnetic disk drive
从磁盘到磁盘:  dd disk to disk
磁盘簇:  disk cluster
磁盘小型计算机:  disc-based minicomputerdisk based minicomputerdisk-based minicomputer
非磁盘:  non magnetic disknon-magnetic disk
磁盘组件:  disc pack
磁盘颤动:  disk flutter
磁盘目录:  disk catalog
Example Sentences:
1.You also want to consider a fast disk subsystem
2.Next , we turn from the disk subsystem to focus on the processors
3.There are , in general , two types of disk subsystems to consider : raid and non - raid
一般要考虑两种类型的磁盘子系统: raid和非raid 。
4.Operations on the cvs repository require a fast disk subsystem ( raid is highly advised )
Cvs仓库操作需要快速磁盘子系统( raid是好的选择) 。
5.Specifically , your disk subsystem is performing poorly if it is experiencing
6.The performance of the disk subsystem exceeds 1gb second at several points in the throughput test
在吞吐量测试的几个点上,磁盘子系统的性能已经超过了每秒1gb 。
7.Ids is also able to work together with split mirror technologies provided by sophisticated disk subsystems
Ids还能与复杂磁盘子系统提供的分离镜像( split mirror )技术一起使用。
8.Unless you measure carefully , you don t know the true average access time or throughput of your disk subsystems
9.The disk subsystem is organized for optimal performance by carefully mapping the tablespaces onto the disks
10.Disk subsystem bottlenecks cause more performance problems than server - side cpu or ram deficiencies , and a poorly designed disk subsystem can leave your organization vulnerable to hardware malfunctions
Similar Words:
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