Chinese translation for "突然冲前"
- forge 2
Related Translations:
突然突出: instantaneous outburst 突然出现: bob upbreak out inburst out ofburst throughcroupflashjumout atlike a corkpoinpouprush out
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | He forged into the lead as they came round the last bend before the end of the race . 他们跑到终点前最后一个转角时,他突然冲前居领先地位。 | | 2. | At about 4 . 30 pm on january 29 , the victim left a restaurant at 213 queen s road east after she had attended a party . a man suddenly dashed forward and 一月二十九日下午约四时三十分,受害女子出席宴会后离开皇后大道东二百一十三号一间餐厅时,一名男子突然冲前并以腐蚀性液体泼向该名女子的面部。 |
- Similar Words:
- "突然成功的行动" Chinese translation, "突然冲出" Chinese translation, "突然冲出,迅速刺出" Chinese translation, "突然冲击" Chinese translation, "突然冲击过载" Chinese translation, "突然冲入" Chinese translation, "突然冲入,入侵,闯入" Chinese translation, "突然出现" Chinese translation, "突然出现, 如同天降" Chinese translation, "突然出现,到来" Chinese translation