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Chinese translation for "突然冲前"

forge 2

Related Translations:
突然变化:  abrupt changejump
突然缩小:  sudden contraction
突然突出:  instantaneous outburst
突然出现:  bob upbreak out inburst out ofburst throughcroupflashjumout atlike a corkpoinpouprush out
突然有一天:  4 horror tales
突然发现:  strike
突然抓住:  seiseseizesnatch
突然插入:  interject
突然低头:  duck
突然访问:  descend on
Example Sentences:
1.He forged into the lead as they came round the last bend before the end of the race .
2.At about 4 . 30 pm on january 29 , the victim left a restaurant at 213 queen s road east after she had attended a party . a man suddenly dashed forward and
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