| 1. | Purpose and significance of enterprise insolvency law 企业破产法的立法宗旨与出台意义 |
| 2. | On legislative purpose of investment fund law 论投资基金法的立法宗旨 |
| 3. | The construction of value and aim of legislation can be deeply understood through the analyzing the justification of copyringht limitation 通过剖析著作权限制的正当性,有利于深刻认识著作权法的价值构造和立法宗旨。 |
| 4. | Educational administration enforcement is one of the key links to realize the aim of educational legislation , and also the key and difficult point in current educational law construction 摘要教育行政执法是实现教育立法宗旨、发挥教育法律法规作用的关键环节之一,也是当前教育法制建设中的重点、难点问题。 |
| 5. | We should take all aspects as follows into consideration in making laws : legislative purposes and principles , legislative contents and structures , legal implementation , legal supervision and legal responsibility 需要从立法宗旨和基本原则、立法结构和主要内容、法律执行、法律监督以及法律责任几方面共同构建统筹区域发展的财政税收法律。 |
| 6. | Though the existing bankruptcy law has stipulations about protecting legitimate rights and interests of creditor , those rights and interests have n ' t been thought highly either in legislation or in judicature 我国现行破产法虽然于其立法宗旨中明确提出了保护债权人的合法权益,但无论是在立法层面上还是在司法实践中,破产债权人的合法权益都未得到应有的重视,甚至可以说是受到了践踏。 |
| 7. | It is required to protect the lawful rights of all parties of estate management and stabilize the social order . viii . it is required to foster the transformation of government functions and lighten the burden and trifles of the state 第一,必须明确立法宗旨,即:规范物业公司行为,提高其服务质量,促使其依法运作;保护广大业主及业主委员会的合法权益,为其创造良好的居住和工作环境;维护社会稳定,促进我国物业管理事业及房地产业健康快速发展。 |
| 8. | It concludes that the realization of creditor ' s subrogation must follow the proceeding procedures ; the debtor is the third party without independent request right ; the object of creditor ' s subrogation is determined by the aim expansion method according to the legislation principle ; the creditor should quote to prove the existence of mature creditor ' s right between the creditor and sub - creditor apart from the quoting to prove the relationship as debtor and debtee ; and it is emphasized that the debtor is liable to cooperate to the quoting to prove the related facts ; the principle for the debtee to exercise the subrogation is the direct one 认为债权人代位权的实现必须经过诉讼程序;债务人在代位权诉讼中为无独立请求权的第三人;债权人代位权的客体围绕立法宗旨采取目的扩张的方法确定;债权人除举证证明其与债务人存在债权债务关系外,还要举证证明债务人与次债务人存有到期债权,并强调债务人对相关事实负有配合举证责任;债权人行使代位权的受偿原则为直接受偿原则。 |
| 9. | According to the state compensation law , the state will not compensate to damage caused by public facilities . this rule is not fair to some agencies that manage and establish public facilities . the state should responsible for the damage caused by public facilities . that will be benefit and fair to victim and some agencies that manage and establish the public facilities . right of personality is the most basic constitutional right enjoyed by citizens 这种不合理、不完善的弊端已经在国家赔偿法的实施过程中日益显露,对于全面实现国家赔偿法的立法宗旨产生了一定的负面影响。本文以行政赔偿为视角,通过比较研究的方法,对我国国家赔偿的归责原则、赔偿范围、追偿制度存在的一些问题,作了一些理论探讨,并提出完善我国国家赔偿立法的若于建议。 |
| 10. | This article claim that control method insurable interest of life insurance in life insurance contract use the principle of approval of the insured : a life insurance contract that makes death as the conditions for payment of proceeds shall be invalid without the written approval of the insured for the contract and the insured amount . namely , signing a life insurance contract that makes death as the conditions for payment of proceeds ; if the insured agrees to let the insurant to sign the contract for him , the case shall be regarded as the insurant having insurable interest in the insured . this article consists of three parts 本文通过对人身保险利益同意原则的系统研究,笔者主张,人身保险得适用保险利益原则,人身保险利益得适用同意原则;通过对我国人身保险利益同意原则的适用现状分析,结合现行保险法关于人身保险利益同意原则的立法现状,本文认为,现行保险法中关于人身保险利益同意原则的相关立法不尽完善,立法宗旨没有得以彰显,需进一步完善,以贯彻人身保险利益同意原则,发挥人身保险利益同意原则的法律作用。 |