Chinese translation for "类圆线虫"
- strongyloides stercocalis
Related Translations:
腐生线虫: saprophitic nematodesaprophytic nematode 圆线虫科: strongylidaestrongylidax 盘旋尾线虫: blindwormblinding worm 气管比翼线虫: sclerostoma syngamussyngamus laryngeussyngamus trachea 松材线虫: north american pinewood nematode 杀线虫药: nematicidenematocide 班氏线虫: wuchereria bancrofti 猫肺线虫: aelurostrongylus abstrususcat lungworm
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Indications : for the treatment of the hookworm infection , ascariasis . enterbiasis and strongyloides sterocoralis infection etc 适应症:适用于蛔虫、钩虫、蠕虫和粪类圆线虫等感染,对丝虫病亦有一定疗效。 |
- Similar Words:
- "类预调可变电容器类型规范" Chinese translation, "类元" Chinese translation, "类元角色" Chinese translation, "类原油" Chinese translation, "类圆科副类圆属" Chinese translation, "类圆线虫病" Chinese translation, "类圆线虫科" Chinese translation, "类圆线虫属" Chinese translation, "类圆线虫属感染" Chinese translation, "类圆小杆线虫" Chinese translation