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Chinese translation for "纪念张"


Related Translations:
纪念祭典:  anniversary
纪念文集:  festschrift
纪念仪式:  commemorative ceremony
纪念林:  memorial forest
纪念类:  monument
纪念奖章:  commemorative medal
纪念刊:  memorial volume
纪念礼品:  souvenir
可纪念的:  red letter
周年纪念晚宴:  an anniversary dinner
Example Sentences:
1.The one hundred and twentieth anniversary of zhang wentian ' s birth
2.Capital artists will release this 3cd vcd album to commemorate the first anniversary of leslie s death . disc 1 2 feature 38 classics , vcd features 4 . .
纪念张国荣逝世一周年,华星唱片公司特将推出纪念专辑historyhis story , 3cd vcd套装, disc 1 2收录哥哥华星时代的经典歌曲38首, vcd收录张国荣4首经典m
3.Capital artists will release this 3cd vcd album to commemorate the first anniversary of leslie s death . disc 1 2 feature 38 classics , vcd features 4 mvs and disc 4 is a recording narrated by leslie on his showbiz career . hk 5 will be donated to children cancer fund for every album sold
纪念张国荣逝世一周年,华星唱片公司特将推出纪念专辑historyhis story , 3cd vcd套装, disc 1 2收录哥哥华星时代的经典歌曲38首, vcd收录张国荣4首经典mv -风继续吹monica有谁共鸣及为你锺情
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