Chinese translation for "经典分析"
- classical analysis
Related Translations:
经典防风: windproof classic satin chrome 索尼经典: sony pictures classics,pathé distribution ltd 非经典离子: non-classical ions 经典型猪瘟: classical swine fever 西方思想经典: heritage of western civilization
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Provide the latest and most all domestic and international financial information , the stock market dark horse , expert comments , the classic analysis 提供国内国际最新最全的财经信息,股市黑马,专家点评,经典分析。 | | 2. | The formula of four factors is given in analyzing first - order circuits , the initial value is extend as far as 0 _ value and it is unanimously agreed other theory of circuit analysis 摘要给出了直流激励下的一阶电路的四要素公式,将经典分析的起点延伸到0 _ ,使经典电路分析与现代电路分析的起点一致,统一了动态分析理论。 | | 3. | In the first chapter , a panoramic analysis of the present situation of tourism industry is performed , under scp method , a classic analytical structure of industrial organization theory , as to discover the strength and weakness of the chinese tio 第一部分以产业组织理论的经典分析框架? ? scp范式为基础,对旅游产业的现状进行全面分析,探究产业发展的特点和现阶段发展的优势和不足。 | | 4. | Based on some classical analyzing cases made with the game theory , the behaviors of the water users participating the water allocation concerned under different water right modes are explained rationally herein combined with the characteristics of the water resources allocation on river basin level 摘要文中运用博弈论中的经典分析案例结合流域水资源配置特点对不同水权模式下参与人的用水行为作出合理解释。 | | 5. | This text has a foothold in the practical conditions in the condition of the market economy , according to the analytic visual angle of the game theory , takes the “ prisoner predicament ” model of the game theory as the analytic tool , sets up the “ prisoner predicament ” game model between the local governments to explain the local protective behavioral generation , and investigates the way of lightening the local protective behavior 本文立足于我国市场经济条件下的实际情况,基于博弈分析的视角,运用博弈理论中的经典分析模型? ? “囚徒困境”博弈,构建了一个地方政府间的“囚徒困境”博弈模型,来阐释我国市场经济条件下地方保护行为的生成问题,并试着提出了建设性的缓解地方保护行为的办法。 |
- Similar Words:
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