Chinese translation for "结合粘土"
- bindeton
binding clay bond clay bonder fireclay bonding clay
Related Translations:
结合角钢: connecting angleconnection angle 结合矩阵: associated matrices 引用结合: reference association 结合地: coherentlyconjunctivelyconjunctly 针药结合: combine acupuncture with medicinal herbs 高温结合: high-temperature bonding
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Based on basic structure , connected with hydrous expansion , flocculate and disintegration , the potential method by which clay mineral does damage to reservoir is analyzed theoretically 根据粘土矿物的基本结构,结合粘土的水化膨胀、絮凝、分散情况,从理论上分析了粘土矿物对油层潜在的损害方式。 |
- Similar Words:
- "结合孕激素" Chinese translation, "结合孕马雌激素" Chinese translation, "结合在一起" Chinese translation, "结合在一起, 符合" Chinese translation, "结合在一起;符合" Chinese translation, "结合占" Chinese translation, "结合振动" Chinese translation, "结合阵" Chinese translation, "结合脂肪酸" Chinese translation, "结合脂质" Chinese translation