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Chinese translation for "股票股利"

stock dividends

Related Translations:
清算股利:  liquidating dividends
股票红利:  share bonusstock bonusstock dividend
石油股票:  old share
铁路股票:  rails
股票经销商:  jobber
股票抛售:  stock selling
股票特权:  stock option
套购股票:  arbitrage in stock
股票归还:  stock return
股票分割:  stock split-up
Example Sentences:
1.However , investors prefer stock dividend , not cash dividend
2.In chain , dividends are mostly given through cash payment and stock payment
3.A stock dividend is a proportional distribution by a corporation of its own stock to its stockholders
4.There are cash dividend , stock dividend , debt type dividend and stock buy - back in fact in payment forms of the dividend
5.According to the above - mentioned empirical result , stock price should be more influenced by cash dividend than by stock dividend
6.Dividend involves in cash dividend , stock dividend , debt dividend , property dividend etc . , and other substitutes for , share repurchase
7.Stock dividends are fundamentally different from cash divi ? dends because stock dividends do not transfer the assets of the corporation to the stockholders
8.Apparently stock dividends own a higher percentage of abnormal return . as a result , investors prefer stock dividend rather than the others
9.This paper empirically analyzed the effect of the cash dividend and stock dividend on stock price through cumulative abnormal return ( car ) method
10.Stock dividend and stock split differ in that stock dividend shifts an amount from retained earnings to paid - in capital , leaving the par value per share unchanged while a stock split affects no account balances whatsoever
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