Chinese translation for "脱离关系"
- disaffiliation
divorce renunciation unlink
Related Translations:
脱离轨道: de orbitdeorbitescape orbitoff roadorbit exit 虹膜脱离: detachment of irisiridodialysisiris diastasis 脱离啮合: demeshingthrow out of gearthrow out of meshungear 脱离正道: aberranceaberrancyaberration 激波脱离: popping of the shock wave
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | He disaffiliated himself from the church . 他与教会脱离关系。 | | 2. | As a result, natty's moves constitute an evasion of society . 因此,纳蒂只得隐遁,和社会脱离关系。 | | 3. | The parents disown their children. they are terribly, terribly hurt . 有些父母声明同子女脱离关系。他们感到非常非常地伤心。 | | 4. | I should be taken for an impudent creature that had forged such a thing to go away from my husband . 我将被看做是一个没有廉耻的东西,假造出这么一回事,来同我丈夫脱离关系。 | | 5. | It was painful for him to renounce his son 宣布与儿子脱离关系对他来说是很痛苦的。 | | 6. | Prices still flirt with deflation ( see chart ) 价格与通货紧缩仍然脱离关系。 | | 7. | But my father put the quietus on it . threatened to disown me 但我父亲不肯答应还威胁跟我脱离关系 | | 8. | If there ' s a buyer for my share of the business , i ' d like to cash in my chips 如果有买主,我愿意把手中的股份卖掉,与公司脱离关系。 | | 9. | It was also in this period that the term jingji became detached from morals and since then began to pick up the meaning with which we are familiar today 正是在这一时期,经济一词与道德脱离关系,获得了今天中文经济一词的含义。 |
- Similar Words:
- "脱离父权的人" Chinese translation, "脱离父权人的财产合算" Chinese translation, "脱离感觉,孤寂感,绝世心情" Chinese translation, "脱离工党左派的组织" Chinese translation, "脱离共生的" Chinese translation, "脱离关系, 分手" Chinese translation, "脱离关系的" Chinese translation, "脱离规范" Chinese translation, "脱离轨道" Chinese translation, "脱离轨道的卫星" Chinese translation