Chinese translation for "自恢复能力"
- self recovery capability
Related Translations:
恢复脑力: restore mental power 恢复器: restitutorrestorerretriever 恢复活动: reactivatereturn of motion 恢复经济: recover the economyrehabilitate the economy 压缩恢复: compressive recovery
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | A group - key distribution protocol is designed which has the capability of self - recovery and coalition - attack - resisting , particularly suitable for highly lossy transmission environment such as wireless sensor networks 摘要构造一个具有自恢复能力和抵御合谋攻击能力的组群密钥发布协议,该协议特别适合于高度易失传输环境,例如无线传感器网络。 | | 2. | Packet radio network ( prnet ) attracts a great attention in military domain because of its self - organizing and self - recovering capability . as a major means of military communication , prnet possesses some advantages that other communication means doses not have 分组无线网以其自组织、自恢复能力在军事上得到极大的关注,作为战场上的主要通信手段之一,分组无线网正发挥着其他通信方式无法媲美的优势。 |
- Similar Words:
- "自还原作用" Chinese translation, "自缓聚作用" Chinese translation, "自恢复" Chinese translation, "自恢复的" Chinese translation, "自恢复电路" Chinese translation, "自恢复式粉末检波器" Chinese translation, "自恢复性" Chinese translation, "自恢复性能的" Chinese translation, "自恢复循环" Chinese translation, "自回避桥" Chinese translation