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Chinese translation for "表面电势"

surface potential

Related Translations:
点火电势:  ignition potential
电势矢量:  potential vector
噪声电势:  noise potential
散射电势:  scattering potential
作用电势:  action potential
闭路电势:  closed circuit potential
沉积电势:  deposition potentialsedimentation potential
激磁电势:  excitation potential
分段电势:  graded potential
电势升:  potential rise
Example Sentences:
1.The dielectric property of the films were studied also . in order to improve their dielectric capacity , monolayer of ba ( ba ) 2 was deposited on the tio2 nanofilm by lb technique . the micromorphology and potential under various conditions were studied
2.In this thesis , scanning force microscopy ( sfm ) was used to study the nanoscale electric phenomena of the surface and interface properties of ferroelectric thin films . the experimental setup was calibrated by measuring potential distribution of the working resistance of integrated chip
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