Chinese translation for "表面电势"
- surface potential
Related Translations:
散射电势: scattering potential 闭路电势: closed circuit potential 沉积电势: deposition potentialsedimentation potential 激磁电势: excitation potential
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The dielectric property of the films were studied also . in order to improve their dielectric capacity , monolayer of ba ( ba ) 2 was deposited on the tio2 nanofilm by lb technique . the micromorphology and potential under various conditions were studied 通过在tio2纳米颗粒薄膜基础上引入一层山嵛酸钡,探索制备了batio3分子薄膜,利用spm研究了tio2和batio3薄膜的表面形貌和表面电势特性。 | | 2. | In this thesis , scanning force microscopy ( sfm ) was used to study the nanoscale electric phenomena of the surface and interface properties of ferroelectric thin films . the experimental setup was calibrated by measuring potential distribution of the working resistance of integrated chip 在实验仪器的验证方面,选用集成电路芯片测试单元中的埋置条形电阻作为检测对象,在电阻两端外加直流偏压后检测电阻的电势分布,在已知电阻上电势分布的前提下,验证了开尔文力显微镜检测微区表面电势的可靠性。 |
- Similar Words:
- "表面电流" Chinese translation, "表面电路学" Chinese translation, "表面电气现象" Chinese translation, "表面电容" Chinese translation, "表面电容器" Chinese translation, "表面电势检测器" Chinese translation, "表面电位" Chinese translation, "表面电位陡张" Chinese translation, "表面电位检测器" Chinese translation, "表面电位稳定" Chinese translation