Chinese translation for "装带"
- head harness
load tape tape loading
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Standard specification for zinc - coated flat steel armoring tape 镀锌扁钢铠装带的标准规范 | | 2. | 1 2 - inch magnetic tape interchange using a self - loading cartridge 使用自装带盒的1 2英寸盒式磁带的互换 | | 3. | This series of machine is suitable for materials including : riband , cotton tape , rubber tape , nylon tape , paper tape and adhesive tape 本系列机械适应材料:丝带、棉带、胶带、尼龙带、纸带、不干胶带等卷装带类。 | | 4. | It didn t have an iron latch on the front door , nor a wooden one with a buckskin string , but a brass knob to turn , the same as houses in town 大门上并没有安装铁门闩,也不装带鹿皮绳子的门闩,用的是可以转动的铜把手,镇上的人家也都是这样的。 | | 5. | The company ' s product applications cover electric house appliances , light industries , providing fine material for a variety of manufacturers including armored cables , cabibets , washing machines , refrigerators , automobiles / motor bikes , farming vehicles , bicycle parts ; also for such items as saw blades , chains , springs , clockwork springs , textile machinery parts , metal ornamentation articles and so on 产品应用覆盖家电、轻工五金行业,如电缆铠装带、光纤电缆钢带、超市货架底板、文件柜、开关柜、洗衣机、冰箱、汽摩、农用车、自行车配件,为带锯、链条、锯片、刀片、弹簧、发条、纺机配件、五金装潢、小五金件等提供优质原材料。 |
- Similar Words:
- "装错" Chinese translation, "装大量测量仪表的" Chinese translation, "装大三角帆的" Chinese translation, "装戴计画" Chinese translation, "装戴我" Chinese translation, "装带过程" Chinese translation, "装带号" Chinese translation, "装带环" Chinese translation, "装带盘" Chinese translation, "装代计量秤" Chinese translation