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Chinese translation for "转动速度"

operating speed
rotational speed
rotational velocity
speed of rotation
velocity of rotation

Related Translations:
连续转动:  continuous rotation
地轴转动:  nutation
转动平衡:  equilibrium, rotationalrotary balancerotational balancerotational equilibrium
转动圆盘:  rotary disk
转动方向:  direction of rotationrotation direction direccion de rotacionse e of rotationsense of rotation
转动轴:  axis of revolutionaxis of rotationaxis rotationdrive shaftdriver shaftpivoted axlerotary axisrotation axisrotation, axis ofrotational axistrain axistransmission shaft
正常转动:  proper rotation
转动环节:  rocking link
转动套筒:  rotating sleeve
转动带:  rotating bandtravelling band
Example Sentences:
1.Vertical earth rate
2.The slow speed allows passengers to enter and exit while the wheel stays in motion
3.Key games click with the mouse on the screen and - control the rotational speed by xu li blank attack
游戏用鼠标键点击画面上" , " - "控制转动速度,按空格蓄力出击。
4.The speed will surprise you with its unbelievable turning - speed , its enormous lift and the huge hang - time
5.Introduction : key games click with the mouse on the screen and - control the rotational speed by xu li blank attack
游戏用鼠标键点击画面上" , " - "控制转动速度,按空格蓄力出击。
6.Acceleration scuff : friction marks that occur when the tires on the drive wheels of the vehicle are turning faster than they would normally turn , given the speed of the vehicle
7.Various drying factors of the cylinder dryer can be adjusted , such as density of feeding aerialsthicd - ness of materials film , temperature of heating medium , rotating speed of the cylinder etc . which can change drying speed of the under dryer , as these factors have no interrelations each other , it brings about great convenience to dry operation . and makesit applicable to lng of various materials and to meet different requirement of production
8.After analysing several kinds of light - weighting structures through ansys , hexagonal speculum structure is confirmed . in the aspect of the controling of speculum , the paper adopts the brushless dc motor which is partial assembled to drive the point speculum and the inductosyn as angle measuring component is selected , the ad2s80a the system is used to get directly angle and angular velocity . double closed - loop speed and position control is designed , as the pid control is the well - developed algorithm , which can achieve stable rotation and precise position control
Similar Words:
"转动瞬心" Chinese translation, "转动瞬轴" Chinese translation, "转动顺从性" Chinese translation, "转动送进盘管" Chinese translation, "转动送进筒" Chinese translation, "转动速率" Chinese translation, "转动速率控制" Chinese translation, "转动算符" Chinese translation, "转动锁孔中的钥匙" Chinese translation, "转动台式压砖机" Chinese translation