Chinese translation for "轻质高铝砖"
- light high alumina brick
Related Translations:
轻质板: softboardthistle board 轻质炉渣: light slaglightweight slag 轻质纯碱: light soda ashsoda ash light
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Used for clay bricks , high aluminum bricks masonry in acid resistance furnaces 用于高炉、热风炉及其它工业窑炉砌筑轻质粘土砖、轻质高铝砖。 | | 2. | In order to save energy resources , for the thermal insulation material applied to building furnace , better select well insulated high quality light aluminum bricks and proper quantity of aluminium ailicate fibre felt or bricks 为节省能源,建炉用的保温材料,最好选用保温性能好的轻质高铝砖和适量硅酸铝纤维砖。 |
- Similar Words:
- "轻质飞轮" Chinese translation, "轻质废金属" Chinese translation, "轻质钙" Chinese translation, "轻质岗石" Chinese translation, "轻质高岭土" Chinese translation, "轻质隔断" Chinese translation, "轻质隔墙" Chinese translation, "轻质隔热混凝土" Chinese translation, "轻质隔热耐火砖" Chinese translation, "轻质隔热砖" Chinese translation