Chinese translation for "连接标记"
- kirkby linkage flag
linkage flag
Related Translations:
产地标记: indication of originindication of source 标记语言: marku languagesmarkup language 联合国标记: un markingsunited nations decal decal
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Represents a connection token that is returned from a call to 调用中返回的连接标记。 | | 2. | Electrical power system device function numbers and contact designations 电力系统装置功能编号和连接标记 | | 3. | It will then mark the connection as closed and stop the thread assigned to the connection 它将会将这个连接标记为关闭,并且会停止有关这个连接的所有线程。 | | 4. | Electrical switchgear ; designation of connection at temperature sensitive devices in refrigerators and freezers 电器开关装置.冷藏和冷冻设备中热敏元件的连接标记 | | 5. | If a connection exists to a server that has disappeared , this connection can be drawn from the pool if the connection pooler has not detected the severed connection and marked it as invalid 如果存在一个与已消失的服务器的连接,如果连接池进程尚未检测到断开的连接并将连接标记为无效,可以从池中提取此连接。 |
- Similar Words:
- "连接变量" Chinese translation, "连接变形" Chinese translation, "连接变形修改器" Chinese translation, "连接变压器" Chinese translation, "连接变元" Chinese translation, "连接标识符" Chinese translation, "连接标引" Chinese translation, "连接标志器" Chinese translation, "连接标准形式" Chinese translation, "连接表" Chinese translation