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Chinese translation for "连接标记"

kirkby linkage flag
linkage flag

Related Translations:
白标记:  white marker
产地标记:  indication of originindication of source
标记物:  labelmarkertag
标记语言:  marku languagesmarkup language
标记叶片:  index blade
地下标记:  underground mark
标记编码:  label coding
标记标号:  mark label
联合国标记:  un markingsunited nations decal decal
边标记:  edge flags
Example Sentences:
1.Represents a connection token that is returned from a call to
2.Electrical power system device function numbers and contact designations
3.It will then mark the connection as closed and stop the thread assigned to the connection
4.Electrical switchgear ; designation of connection at temperature sensitive devices in refrigerators and freezers
5.If a connection exists to a server that has disappeared , this connection can be drawn from the pool if the connection pooler has not detected the severed connection and marked it as invalid
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