shining spears and armoured horses -- a symbol of war in ancient china; military hardware
Example Sentences:
These last long months were all blood and iron and mud , 最近的这几个月里全是血雨腥风,金戈铁马
This article shows a historical scene of war by analysing and explaining the cause , formation and transition of the tale of war 本文旨在阐述说明军记物语产生原因及形成、演变过程中,展示日本历史上一段金戈铁马的历史场面。
In the 13th century a . d . , as the world was experiencing tremendous changes and suffering brutal wars , china evolved from relatively small seperate nat . . 公元十三世纪是一个天翻地覆的世纪是一个金戈铁马战火纷飞的年代是分裂了四百馀年的中国完成第四次统一的世纪也是中国打破闭关自守真正走上世界历史舞. .
It always makes us recall the shining spears and armored horses below the jianmen gorge , the famous intones about difficult sichuan roads , and also the unique empress that rode the whirlwind in the china history 这里曾经有过剑门关下的金戈铁马,这里也留下过古蜀道上诗人“难于上青天”的咏叹,这里还孕育过曾经在中国历史舞台上叱咤风云的一代女皇。
In the 13th century a . d . , as the world was experiencing tremendous changes and suffering brutal wars , china evolved from relatively small seperate nations into a united big block for the 4th time , and reached out beyond its geographic boundaries and onto the world arena 公元十三世纪是一个天翻地覆的世纪是一个金戈铁马战火纷飞的年代是分裂了四百馀年的中国完成第四次统一的世纪也是中国打破闭关自守真正走上世界历史舞台的世纪。
But this film brings them back ; the magnificence of imperial beijing , its rivers and magnificent buildings , like the forbidden city with its golden tiles and red walls ; hutongs , the traditional alleyways of old beijing , and the courtyard houses with their old pagoda trees and green bricks ; battlefields , warriors and war horses . the scenes and events of 850 years of history are now brought back to life 这部电视片将带领观众,走进河湖纵横、樯橹如织的水乡北京;走进古城合围、金瓦红墙的紫禁城;走进古槐遮荫、青砖灰瓦的胡同四合院;走进金戈铁马、烽烟滚滚的古战场… …去了解、探询这座古城850年间发生的一个个难忘的故事。
Within short one year and under the joint action of the market and administration , especially the market , the chengdu newspapering competing severely in the past , has finished the transition from the disorderly competition period to the present orderly competition period by optimizing its resources . the market is now mainly controlled by two newspapering groups which confront and compete each other . among them , one is sichuan daily newspapering group with sichuan daily as its representative , the other is chengdu daily newspapering group with chengdu daily as its representative 昔日金戈铁马、战鼓声声的成都报业,在短短的一年内,就在市场与行政合力的打造下,尤其是通过市场的作用,优化资源配置,完成了由散兵游勇、七雄纷争的无序竞争阶段,到如今主要由两大报业集团间互相对峙、公平竞争,国际通行的“一城两报”的转变:一方是以《四川日报》为代表的四川日报报业集团,另一方是以《成都日报》为代表的成都日报报业集团。