[ zuānniújiǎojiān ] 1.(费力研究不值得的问题) take unnecessary pains to study an insignificant [insoluble] problem; split hairs 2.(行不通) get (oneself) into a dead end; get into a blind alley
In one way , this is very frustrating , but in other ways , it is fascinating 找不到想找的东西,固然令人丧气,可是,如果不钻牛角尖,那也是个令人兴奋的发现。
I love you not because of who you are , but because of who i am when i am with you 狮子座的人一谈起恋爱的时候,心情就会患得患失,因为太在意对方的感受了,以至于变得很情绪化,非常会钻牛角尖。
Instead of dwelling on personal characteristics we are not satisfied with , we ought to focus more on what we are good at 与其在自己不满意的个人特征上钻牛角尖,不如把精力放到我们擅长的事情上。
But the overall result is , as you suggest , the entire industry getting too involved in navel - watching and competitiveness over the wrong values 但是整体的结果,正如你提到的,全体产业都没有找对方向,在一些过错的处所去钻牛角尖。
But the overall result is , as you suggest , the entire industry getting too involved in navel - watching and competitiveness over the wrong values 但是整体的结果,正如你提到的,全体产业都没有找对方向,在一些缺点的地方去钻牛角尖。