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Chinese translation for "锥尖"

conical tip

Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ名词1.(锥子) awl2.(似锥物) awl-shaped things 短语和例子冰锥 icicle3.(锥体) cone 短语和例子冰川岩屑锥 debris cone; 火山口锥 crater cone; 熔岩锥 lava cone; 圆锥 circular coneⅡ动词(钻) drill; bore 短语和例子锥孔 make a hole with an awl
尖锥:  awlof the stilettopointed conepointed hammer
:  Ⅰ形容词1.(末端细小; 尖锐) pointed; tapering 短语和例子把铅笔削尖 sharpen a pencil; 尖下巴 a pointed chin2.(声音高而细) shrill; piercing 短语和例子尖叫 scream; 尖声尖气 in a shrill voice3.(耳、目等灵敏) sharp; acute 短语和例子鼻子尖 have an
Example Sentences:
1.He was a cold flame of a man, small as koho, and as dried up, with a mahogany complexion and small expression less blue eyes that were more like gimlet-points .
2.A testing method for abrasion wear of cone points
3.On the base of these analyses , optimization design and arts design are performed and the layouts of masks are plotted . the theory model of this kind of acceleration sensor is founded to guide the fabrication
4.The density of its field emission catelectrode tip is about 24000tip / mm2 , the onset emission voltage is 0 . 5 ~ iv , the backward voltage is larger than 25v , the current of single tip is 0 . 2na , the sensitivity is 98 . 5mv / bar
其场致发射阴极锥尖阵列密度达24000个mm ~ 2 ,起始发射电压为1 5v ,反向电压25v ,当正向电压为5v时,单尖发射电流为0 . 2na ,压力灵敏度为98 . 5mv bar 。
5.The structure of field emission triode is first simulated by magic . the tip height , tip position , tip curvature , gate aperture , and gate voltage are changed , to observe the emission current and the electron congregation
6.The shear strength increases by 3 - 6 times after improvement through vane shear test and the resistance increases largely through cpt . the soft foundation treated by vacuum combined with surcharge preloading is very effective . second , the mechanism and some problems of vacuum combined with surcharge preloading were analyzed
通过十字板剪切试验与静力触探试验,加固后土体的抗剪强度一般可提高3 6倍,锥尖阻力与侧壁阻力也有大幅增长,说明真空联合堆载预压加固软土地基的效果显著。
7.In the paper , we put forward the combination of micro electronic technology , mems technology and vacuum micro electronic technology to develop a micro electronic pressure sensor with overload protection . the pressure sensor consists . of elastic anode membrane , isolation layer , vacuum micro cavity and field emission catelectrode tip array with overload protection . such pressure sensor has many advantages , such as high temperature stability , radiation resistance , fast response , high sensitivity , small volume , simple secondary instruments and bulk production
本文在重庆市科技“十五”项目的资助下,提出利用微电子技术、 mems技术和真空电子技术相结合的方法,研究一种带过保护功能的真空微电子压力传感器,该压力传感器由带过保护的场致发射阴极锥尖阵列、弹性阳极膜、绝缘层、真空微腔所构成,具有温度稳定性好、抗辐射、快响应、高灵敏、体积小、二次仪表简单、可批量生产等优点,具有广泛的应用市场。
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