Chinese translation for "闪绿"
- brilliant green
ethyl green
Related Translations:
闪燃: flash burn◇闪燃管 flash pipe 闪高: john graves simcoesimcoe 绿闪: blue-green flamegreen flashgreen segment 闪腰: sudden sprain in the lumbar region 瞬闪: i tantaneousflashinstantaneous flash
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Glaucophane - chlorite schist 蓝闪绿泥片岩 | | 2. | Amphibole - cholrite schist 闪绿泥片岩 | | 3. | Digital suddenly fell on the press box corresponding to the number keys , blinking green light correctly said , flashing red light indicated a failure 数字落到方框的一瞬间按下对应的数字键,闪绿光表示正确,闪红光表示失败。 | | 4. | White jade with pure white and best , white jade for instance is it flash blue and green flashing dust , flashing yellow flashing tone such as being green to have 白玉以纯白最好,如白玉带有闪青闪灰闪黄闪绿等色调。都不如色白者。 | | 5. | Afterwards , he will remember only snatched and fragmentary memories - stealing apples and the dry crumble of earth under his fingertips , ducking under a line of washing , shivering in the bend of a river bed , a flash of green light 稍后,他也只能拾起片段零散的记忆偷来的频果以及乾燥的土壤碎屑在他的指尖, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,在河床的湾浅处的颤栗,一闪绿光。 | | 6. | Bluish white jade : the bluish white jade is its fundamental key with the white , dust , etc . flash green , flash blue and green , flash indistinctly in the white jade , very light blue , the powder is blue and green , ashen , etc . , it is the excessive varieties of white jade and sapphire , comparatively common with hetian jade 青白玉:青白玉以白色为其基调,在白玉中隐隐闪绿闪青闪灰等,常见有葱白粉青灰白等,属于白玉与青玉的过度品种,在和阗玉中较为常见。 |
- Similar Words:
- "闪露著喜悦之光的脸" Chinese translation, "闪路" Chinese translation, "闪路电压" Chinese translation, "闪路继电器" Chinese translation, "闪路试验" Chinese translation, "闪绿斑岩" Chinese translation, "闪绿泥片岩" Chinese translation, "闪绿泥石" Chinese translation, "闪绿色假单胞菌" Chinese translation, "闪绿石" Chinese translation