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Chinese translation for "颊部"

pars buccalis

Related Translations:
:  名词(脸的两侧从眼到下颌的部分) cheek 短语和例子两颊红润 with rosy cheeks; 双颊丰满的女孩 a girl with plump cheeks; 泪水沿着她的面颊流下来。tears streamed [ran] down her cheeks
斧颊:  checks
颊须:  whiskers
批颊:  [书面语] slap one in the face
颊垂:  hotaru
颊神经节:  buccal ganglionbug
颊瓣:  buccal flap
颊尿:  a9vg
颊粘膜:  buccal mucosa
活动颊:  free cheeklibrigenae
Example Sentences:
1.There is a tender swelling beneath the right buccal mucosa
2.Papilla salivaria buccalis
3.A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual - facial - buccal dyskinesia was made
4.Once the fish lurched suddenly , pulling santiago forward on his face and cutting his cheek
5.For buccal - administered drugs , have client place medication in mouth against mucous membranes of the cheek until it dissolves
6.One patient ' s tumor recurred . conclusion combining the frf with the tmf is feasible for repairing extensive through - and - through cheek defects following extensive surgical dissection of buccal malignant tumors
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