Chinese translation for "饱和区域"
- saturation region
zone of saturation
Related Translations:
饱和怜: saturated flowsaturatedflow 饱和勘探: saturation prospecting 光电流饱和: saturation of photoelectric current 饱和反应器: saturating reactor 扩散饱和: diffusion saturationdiffusion saturtion 饱和电平: saturation levelsaturationlevel
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Soil quality . determination of water content of the unsaturated zone . neutron depth probe method 土壤质量.不饱和区域水含量的测定.中子深度探测法 | | 2. | Soil quality - physical methods - determination of water content in the unsaturated zone - neutron depth probe method 土质.物理法.不饱和区域水含量的测定.中子深度探测法 | | 3. | Traditionally , the saturated zone is modeled as a simple lumped continuity equation : , dsitqsdt where t is time , s is the total storage in the reservoir , i is the spatially integrated volume of incoming wa - ter , and q is the discharge subsurface runoff which only depends on the total storage s . this kind of subsurface runoff model has many different parame - terizations 10 12 , however it has a very common char - acteristic that the subsurface runoff is just a sin - gle - valued storage - discharge function 对于大尺度水文模型而言,目前常常采用的是集总式的地下径流机制,其连续性方程一般可表示为d , dsitqst ? 1这里t是时间, s表示整个流域潜水面土壤层的饱和区域总的水分储存量, i t表示t时刻土壤的非饱和区域向整个潜水面的水分补充量, q s表示仅依赖于水分储存量s的地下径流量量 |
- Similar Words:
- "饱和切割算法" Chinese translation, "饱和轻汽油馏分" Chinese translation, "饱和氢气" Chinese translation, "饱和情况" Chinese translation, "饱和区" Chinese translation, "饱和曲线" Chinese translation, "饱和曲线的弯曲处" Chinese translation, "饱和缺额" Chinese translation, "饱和染料" Chinese translation, "饱和染液" Chinese translation