Chinese translation for "驯服野兽"
- beast taming
Related Translations:
驯服: 1.(顺从的) docile; tame; tractable 短语和例子驯服的马 a docile horse2.(使顺从) tame; break; domesticate 短语和例子驯服洪水 bring a flood under control; 驯服野兽 domesticate a wild animal; 马容易驯服。 horses are easy to ta 驯服手镯: armlet_of_obedience 驯服动物: handle animalhandleanimaltame animal 驯服洪水: bring a flood under control 驯服的: obedientsheepishtame 驯服黄龙: taming the yellow dragon
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Music has charms to soothe a savage beast , to soften rocks , or bend a knotted oak 音乐有魅力,能够驯服野兽,软化石头,弯折纠结的老橡树。 |
- Similar Words:
- "驯服魔石" Chinese translation, "驯服你的心野野" Chinese translation, "驯服牌汽车" Chinese translation, "驯服手" Chinese translation, "驯服手镯" Chinese translation, "驯服者" Chinese translation, "驯狗用的索套项圈" Chinese translation, "驯狗有方" Chinese translation, "驯悍记" Chinese translation, "驯狐猴属" Chinese translation