show one's horns; crafty and sinister; hiding and peeping; secretive; furtive; stealthy; thievish; evil and shrewd 短语和例子 他们几个在墙角处鬼头鬼脑地往外探望。they peeped out stealthily from a corner of the wall
He looked like a shifty underworld character . 他看起来是个鬼头鬼脑的下流社会的角色。
They peeped out stealthily from a corner of the wall . 他们几个在墙角处鬼头鬼脑地往外探望。
This sneaky girl was disliked by the rest of the class . 全班剩余的同学都不喜欢这个鬼头鬼脑的女孩。
The fire in the grate looked impish-demoniacally funny, as if it did not care in the least about her strait . 壁炉里的残火,张牙怒目,鬼头鬼脑,仿佛表示对于她的窘迫,丝毫都不关心。
Fellows who have rascally faces have only one course to take , and that is to remain honest ; otherwise they would be arrested off - hand 要知道,那些生得鬼头鬼脑的人只能老老实实地安分守己,要不,他们一下子就会给逮住的。
Not , of course , with a hole and corner scratch company or local ladies on the job , witness mrs c . p . m coy type - lend me your valise and i ll post you the ticket 班子当然不是鬼头鬼脑临时东拼西凑的,更不会雇用c . p .麦科伊太太那种类型的本地歌女-借我用用你的手提箱,我就寄张免费船票给你。
Sherburn run his eye slow along the crowd ; and wherever it struck the people tried a little to outgaze him , but they couldn t ; they dropped their eyes and looked sneaky 歇朋朝群众的队伍缓缓地扫了一眼,眼神扫到那里,人群试图把它瞪回去,可是不成。他们把眼睛向下垂着,显出一派鬼头鬼脑的神气。
Villefort , pale and agitated , ran to the window , put aside the curtain , and saw him pass , cool and collected , by two or three ill - looking men at the corner of the street , who were there , perhaps , to arrest a man with black whiskers , and a blue frock - coat , and hat with broad brim 维尔福脸色苍白,急忙奔到窗前,撩开窗帘,看着他泰然自若地走过街口两三个鬼头鬼脑的人的身边,这两三个人,也许就是等候在那儿来抓一个长黑胡子的,穿蓝色披风,戴阔边呢帽的人的。