London used to be a city known for its "black fogs. " 伦敦的“黑雾”一向闻名。
My black mist will soon engulf another devils fortress 我的黑雾很快就会吞没下一个恶魔的巢穴。
I remember once i was riding on a train , and i felt the presence of a dense unpleasant energy surrounding me like a black fog 记得有一次在搭火车时,我感觉到一股强烈的否定能量如同黑雾般团团包围着我,我本能地就开始默念佛号。
Orcas also have the sensor pods that when placed will continuously scan that area for stealthed units , and simply to keep that area out of the fog 奥卡还拥有传感器,传感器被放置之后可以持续探测出该区域的隐形单位,并去除该区域的黑雾。
I finally began to recite master s name , and within seconds could see beams of brilliant light dispelling the dark fog , and filling the whole train compartment with a bright and loving energy 最后,我开始念师父法号,不到几秒钟就看见非常明亮的光芒将黑雾驱散,整个车厢内立即充满光亮与爱力。